The Goose Harbour Lake Windfarm Project is progressing well. The following is the status on all design engineering: Civil and Structural Engineering is at Issue For Construction stage, Collection System is at 90% design, and Substation, T-Line and Switching Station are all at 30% design. Some minor civil work has begun on PHP Wind’s private land to support construction which consists of; prepping an area for an office complex, parking lot, and laydown yard, minor upgrades to the Old Mulgrave Road have been permitted and are underway. Construction of a new portion of road connecting the turbine staging area and Old Mulgrave Road has begun. We expect to have our crown lease in hand over the next couple weeks. First meeting was held with the NS Mainland Building Trades Council which went well - the Council also provided us an overview of their apprenticeship and training program at their facility in Halifax and we would encourage anyone interested in working on the project with the trades to reach out to them.
The project’s Community Liaison Committee Meeting recently met on Sept 9th at the Lincolnville Community Centre. PHP Wind also hosted open houses in Monastery (June 24) and Mulgrave (June 25), along with members of the project’s Community Liaison Committee. Close to 50 community members attended over the two days and the team appreciated their interest, questions and suggestions.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to