On January 6, 2025, Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind, Ltd. with our investment equity partner, Wskijinu'k Mtmo'taqnuow Agency Ltd. (WMA) announced we have reached financial close on the Goose Harbour Lake Wind Farm, a large-scale green energy project. WMA is an economic development partnership owned by the 13 Mi’kmaw First Nations communities in Nova Scotia.
Over 70 community members and others involved in the project gathered at the Mulgrave Fire Hall and online for the announcement.
This initiative marks a significant step towards the region’s transition to a clean energy (low carbon) future. With financing fully in place, we look forward to civil work and construction in the coming months. Highlights of the project include:
“PHP Wind’s Goose Harbour Like Wind Farm initiative underscores our dedication to renewable energy and is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainability," states Bevan Lock, Co-mill Manager of Port Hawkesbury Paper. "Harnessing wind to help power our operations will enhance our energy portfolio and ensure we remain competitive and sustainable in the long term. This investment in wind energy is more than a milestone for us; it also supports the environmental goals and clean energy standards for the entire province."
In addition to Nova Scotia Energy Minister Trevor Boudreau, MP Mike Kelloway and elected municipal officials and representatives from WMA, representatives from the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) were on hand to announce that the CIB is providing $224.2 million in loans to help Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind Ltd build the project and support WMA’s 10 per cent stake in the project. Click here to read CIB’s press release.